about-me-post-2015After having a personal website for many years, some people would tend to forget to update their About Me page, which basically tells readers about the one writing all articles in a personal site. I did exactly the same. Last time I wrote the About Me section from scratch was back in 2002. After that, I updated the content several times, but never actually did any significant work to change how it looked.

Back in April this year, I did my first attempt to refresh About Me page with a new structure and content that looks better to describe the current me. After all, after more than 10 years, most people would surely change in some aspects. I consider my attempt to rewrite About Me page in April 2015 as a failed project. I did not even like how it looked. So I put it on hold to finish more important tasks with tight deadline. Last week, I finally had time to revisit About Me page and rethink what is the best way to write it.

Took me few days of trial and errors to write the new version. Now About Me section has 4 sections: Personal, Career, Study & Skills and Life Goals. Each section contains different topics. For readers who do not know me personally, thank you for reading. For readers who know me personally, please do let me know if the new version is any better than the old one. Special thanks to Steve for pointing out an issue with the page margin and font size.